Memories on canvas

This is one of the most memorable paintings since it was my first painting in COEP .I complete this one in flat 45 mins during the Arts and Crafts audition and just loved.Thanks to my friend Ravindra Dingankar for clicking this pic.

This one has been probably one of my favorites its our very own Boat Club.This painting was done on the cardboard which is actually used a support for a Shirt while packing it.I had taken a pic of the Boat Club from the similar perspective and then thought to put it on canvas.Our very own Director Sir has loved this painting when I showed it to him and will be gifting him this painting before I pass out from COEP.This painting is dedicated to all my friends in COEP with whom I have spent some of my most memorable moments here at the Boat Club and to all my friends from Regatta 2010 (shell games)

This one is dedicated to all those who are waiting for their dream girl.Believe me some day ,somewhere there will be one flash and your dream girl will enter your life

These are just a resemblance of the thoughts flowing through my mind


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