
Situations....Situations come and go ......there are times when we unintentionally hurt our loved ones ....these unintentional events eventually pile up into a huge wall of hatred and anger......As situations change we realize that be it intentionally or unintentionally we have hurt a person who has poured his or her heart out for us been there with us in all our times ............We cry in pain and anger cursing situations ....accusing our selves .....All apologies go in vain ...hatred prevails over love and care ......The entire perspective of looking at us changes ....We start feeling the pain we gave them (unintentionally though")...we never meant to hurt them but today we are hurt like never before...we have cried like never before ....we want them today like never before ........We land up in a situation full of regret and ask for that one last chance .....we want to turn the world up side down for them ...we want to give them all the happiness we can ......we want them to always be with us .....but all of this only remains as a mere dream .....A situation now has come where we are standing alone, waiting for that person to come back with a hope that life will be beautiful once again and that special one will hold our hand once again .........


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